Torpedo Reload II
Torpedo Reload II | Using a Footswitch With Reload II ‘s FX Loop
Looking to control Reload’s II effects loop with a footswitch? Read on for our connectivity suggestions relating to this. Types of Compatible Footswitches Reload II’s FX Loop can be switched on and off with an external footswitch connected to the ...
Torpedo Reload II | Output Power
Reload II’s continuous attenuation is achieved by pairing the reactive load box with a transparent solid state power amplifier. The built-in power amplifier is able to deliver the following (maximum) power in regards to the impedance of the connected ...
Torpedo Reload II - Using an External Cabinet Simulator with Reload II
Looking to add a hardware Cabinet Simulator to your Reload II rig? Read on for our connectivity suggestions relating to this. Placement in Reload II’s Signal Chain In routine use of a tube amplifier, it is highly recommended that the power output of ...
Torpedo Reload II - Load Box Centric FAQs
Featuring twin-channel operation, selectable multi-impedance compatibility and true continuous attenuation, Reload II is our most advanced Load Box to date. In this article, we summarise some key information relating to what a Load Box is, setup ...
Torpedo Reload II - FX Loop Behaviour & Switching Troubleshoot
Torpedo Reload II’s full-featured FX loop offers a myriad of connectivity options and - if configured incorrectly in relation to the desired outcomes of your rig - can cause unwanted sound output issues. Below are some considerations to check in the ...
Torpedo Reload II - General Audio Troubleshooting
Torpedo Reload II offers a myriad of connectivity options for a diverse range of applications; as such, there may be instances where no audio can be heard from any of the LINE or CAB outputs. Our guidelines below provide a series of checks to enact ...
Torpedo Reload II - Reload II Source Compatibility FAQs
Whether it’s a Modeller, Fly-Rig, Amplifier or Amp Sim, Reload II is spec’d to deliver on any mandate. In the following help desk article, we outline what devices can be connected to the Input stage of Reload II through a series of ...