Use the offline procedure to solve the "failed to extract cabinet" issue
WARNING: Your Torpedo Device has to be registered using an online computer before any offline installation.
In this article, we will guide you in solving an issue linked to the import of a DynIR cabinet into the internal memory of a Torpedo unit.
If you get the following popup message in Torpedo Remote : "Error while sending cabinet to the Torpedo. Detail: Failed to extract [NAME OF CABINET]" , please follow these steps:
Open Torpedo Remote v5
Click on the User menu / Load Your Virtual Cabinets File item
- Select the LicensePackage.tnlp you downloaded from your My DynIR Cabinets page (at step1)
- The cabinet import process will start; please note, this process can take a couple of minutes depending on the number of cabinets assigned to your Two notes account
- Once completed, click the User menu / Sign in item to enable the license installed from the LicensePackage.tnlp file
When the Sign in window pops up, enter your email address and your password - these are the credentials used during your Two notes account creation; then, click on Remember me then press Sign in
You should now be able to import any of the cabinets from your license into the internal memory of the Torpedo.
Having issues?
Our support team is here to assist you! For any enquiries, please head over to our Help Desk and
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