How do I Install Torpedo Remote on an Offline Computer?
WARNING: Your Torpedo Device has to be registered using an online computer before any offline installation.
To install Torpedo Remote v5 on an offline computer, please follow these steps:
- Download the correct installer from the Two notes website and copy it to a USB key
- Copy the Torpedo Remote DynIR Cabinets File (LicensePackage.tnlp) to the aforementioned USB key
- Plug the USB key into your offline computer
- Copy and launch the Torpedo Remote v5 installer
Once installed, launch Torpedo Remote v5 and click the Guest button within the Sign in window
- The Torpedo Remote v5 main window should then pop up
Click on the User menu / Load Your Virtual Cabinets File item
- Select the LicensePackage.tnlp copied on your USB key and press Open
- The cabinet import process will start; please note, this process can take a couple of minutes depending on the number of cabinets assigned to your Two notes account
- Once completed, click the User menu / Sign in item to enable the license installed from the LicensePackage.tnlp file
When the Sign in window pops up, enter your email address and your password - these are the credentials used during your Two notes account creation; then, click on Remember me then press Sign in
- You are now primed to connect your Torpedo Device to your offline computer
Having issues?
Our support team is here to assist you! For any enquiries, please head over to our Help Desk and submit a ticket to speak directly to one of our in-house specialists.
Licence not updated after placing order(specifically after purchasing GENOME Suite Upgrade)
Some users have reported that after placing an order, the components are not visible in GENOME.