How to Connect to my OPUS, Torpedo C.A.B. M+ or Torpedo Captor X to the Torpedo Wireless Remote Application?
To use the Torpedo Wireless Remote Application with OPUS, Torpedo C.A.B. M+ or Torpedo Captor X, the following procedure needs to be actioned:
- Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your tablet or smartphone
- Do not pair OPUS, Torpedo C.A.B. M+ or Torpedo Captor X using your tablet or smartphone's system settings, launch the Torpedo Wireless Remote Application first
- Accept all requested authorisations (varying dependant on the tablet or smartphone being used)
- The connection window will show up, follow the instructions on screen (the screenshot examples below are for the C.A.B. M+)
- If the connection window does not show up, tap the Devices menu located at the bottom left of the application:
- Your Torpedo should be listed; tap on its name.

If your phone/tablet is not pairing with the unit, please action the following steps:
- Turn off OPUS, Torpedo Captor X or C.A.B M+ and power it on again
- Unpair the Torpedo device in your phone's system via its Bluetooth menu
- Activate the GPS/Location as on some phones bluetooth and GPS are linked
- Launch Torpedo Remote
- Check for a notification (it can be located at the top of your phone or a new window that will open on your screen) asking you to enter the pin code of the Torpedo unit
- Enter the pin code to establish the pairing
If this is still not working, restart your phone (turn it off and on), and restart the troubleshooting procedure listed above.
If you have inputted the pin code provided in the Global Menu of the pedal, and the pedal does not show up in the "Devices" menu in Torpedo Wireless Remote, please unpair OPUS, C.A.B. M+ or Captor X in the list of devices that are shown as paired in the bluetooth menu of your phone or tablet. Once this is actioned, please restart the procedure at the top of this page.
Having issues?
Our support team is here to assist you! For any enquiries, please head over to our Help Desk and submit a ticket to speak directly to one of our in-house specialists.
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