How do I Register my Torpedo Captor and get my 16 DynIR Virtual Cabinets for GENOME?
In order to register your Torpedo Captor and get your 16 DynIR virtual cabinets for the Wall of Sound or GENOME plugins, please follow these steps:
- Go to the Two notes Store and create an account (or log in if you already have a Two notes account):
- Go to the My hardware page:
- Scroll to "Register a Two notes device"
- Enter the serial number of your Torpedo Captor in the field "Your device does not have a USB port) (you'll find this 8-digit number under the unit)
- Note: Two notes serial numbers are in the hexadecimal format - numbers between 0 and 9 and letters between A and F ( no letter O)
- Click the "REGISTER" button
- Download GENOME from this page here
- Install GENOME to your host machine
- Launch your DAW, add GENOME on a suitable track and launch it
- From there, GENOME will guide you through the rest of the activation process
- That's it, now play!
NOTE: The 16 dynIR cabinets are also useable in Wall of Sound.
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