How Can I Uninstall the Wall of Sound Plug-in (and All its Related Files)?

How Can I Uninstall the Wall of Sound Plug-in (and All its Related Files)?

To Uninstall Wall of Sound on a Windows Computer

  1. Launch the uninstaller located in: Start -> All programs -> Two Notes Audio Engineering -> Uninstall Wall of Sound VST Win32/VST x64/RTAS/AAX
  2. This will automatically suppress all files from the Wall Of Sound folder, including the handbook (and your license file)
  3. When asked, "Do you want to delete all Two notes license, cabinet and preset files?", if you reply YES, all files in License, Cabinet and Preset directories will also be deleted

To Uninstall Wall of Sound on Mac OSX

First delete the file that corresponds to the plug-in version installed:

  1. Plug-in AU format: Go to Machintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ and trash the file "Torpedo Wall Of Sound III.component"
  2. Plug-in VST format: Go to Machintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/vst/ and trash the file "Torpedo Wall Of Sound III.vst"
  3. Plug-in RTAS format: Go to Machintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Digidesing/Plug-Ins/ and trash the file "Torpedo Wall Of Sound III.dpm"
  4. Plug-in AAX format: Go to Machintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/ and trash the file "Torpedo Wall Of Sound III.aaxplugin"

In addition, if you wish to delete all files pertaining to the WoS plug-in:

Head to Machintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Two Notes Audio Engineering/ and delete the folder entitled Wall Of Sound

Here you can also delete the License, Cabinet, Doc and Preset directories.

WARNING: These directories are also used by the Remote software for the Torpedo VB-101, VM-202, Live and C.A.B.

Note: If you have no other Two Notes applications installed, you can simply delete the entire Two Notes Audio Engineering folder that is located in the Machintosh HD/Library/Application Support directory.

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