A DynIR Virtual Cabinet I Purchased is Now Listed as "Missing"

A DynIR Virtual Cabinet I Purchased is Now Listed as "Missing"

This issue can be linked to a license issue and if often due to the renaming of a cabinet after its release.

To solve this issue, please action the following steps:
  1. Close Torpedo Wall of Sound/Torpedo Remote/GENOME
  2. Navigate to this page in your Two notes account: https://www.two-notes.com/en/my-two-notes/?section=dynir
  3. Click on"Renew" in the "Renew My License" section
  4. Once the renewal has completed, open the software again. The software will download the new license and will automatically solve the missing cabinet issue.

If after following the above, the issue persists, please submit a ticket on the Two notes Help Desk - Support.Two-notes.com 

Having issues?

Our support team is here to assist you! For any enquiries, please head over to our Help Desk and submit a ticket to speak directly to one of our in-house specialists.

    Limited Service Notice

    Please be advised, we are currently running a limited Help Desk Service from the 20th December 2024 to the 13th January 2025.

    Rest assured, your enquiry is of the utmost importance to Two notes Audio Engineering and our support team are committed to resolving your enquiry as a matter of priority upon their return.